Tuesday, April 9, 2019
That’s it. I’m packed up and ready to go.
I’ve disconnected my home internet services, TV, and have called all my credit card companies to let them know I’ll be abroad for a year. I’ve also made sure I’ll have access to cash in multiple bank accounts and triple checked that I have packed everything I’ll need.
I’m feeling a little nervous right now doing something so wild.
My brother took me out to eat Korean food tonight as a nice send off before I go.
While I was in the car, I started playing with my new Canon G7X camera that I bought specifically for this adventure and took some random shots of the city.
I’m loving the telescoping zoom feature on this, it’ll be very useful for taking great shots.
At the restaurant I told my nephew it will be a long time before he will see me again, but I don’t think he’s old enough yet to understand how long it is that I’ll be gone.
There are plans to meet my brother and his family later this year in Vietnam, but the dates haven’t been planned yet.
My parents are nervous for me but wished me a fun adventure.
My mom even pocketed some money for me in a red envelope for luck. My sisters all wished me good luck and safe travels and they’re all very excited for me.
Today was an emotional day, it’s going to be a long time until I get to see my family again. It’s time to get some sleep and catch a flight tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
I was planning to take public transit to the airport, but my parents insisted that they will drop me off. It’s their way of showing their love.
I hugged my parents and told them I’ll be back before they know it and promised to call when I had arrived in Bangkok.
I’ve got my boarding passes from Vancouver – Hong Kong, and then Hong Kong – Bangkok.
It’ll be over 13 hour of flying and I don’t mind since it feels like I have all the time in the world now. Freedom feels so good.
There’s no work to worry about, no responsibilities, and every day for the next while I can do whatever I want with my days!
There’s something about airports that gives me all sorts of warm feelings. I like to wander every corner of it to make sure I don’t miss anything interesting. At Vancouver International Airport (YVR) they have large fish tanks and indoor greenery to enjoy.
Today it’s raining outside but it looks like the weather is still good for scheduled take off. Here is a pic of the plane I’ll be on.
I’ve board the plane and I’m seated by the window in the middle section of the plane. Off to sunnier weather!
Here I am, on Hong Kong airlines jetting to Hong Kong for my transfer to Bangkok.
As I get closer to my destination, the feeling of anxiousness and excitement is starting to build up. What is this whole trip going to entail? I don’t know but I’m excited. I hope I make it back alive.
The airplane food I had earlier was delicious. Well, maybe the main course was and the other items was so-so. I chose to have curry beef with rice and veggies. It was simple but it felt like just what I needed.
In a few hours when I arrive in Hong Kong, I’m going to feel impatient since my connecting flight is tight. I’m near the back of the back of the plane so by the time I’m able to exit, probably about 15-30 minutes would have already passed and I’ll have to run to the next gate. Passengers sometimes have difficulties finding their overhead carry on, so that will delay me a bit more.
So this once in a lifetime trip I’m going on, how does it feel like so far?
I can say with all honesty, right now it feels like a normal flight to a foreign destination. The euphoria that I was expecting hasn’t set in yet, but I know it’ll come to me soon.
I can feel it in my gut.